Ario ensures road safety through an adaptive detection system
Ario strives for more safety behind the steering wheel with a monitoring system that detects sleep and unattentive driving. 34,4% of all road incidents are caused by drowsiness. It's Ario's mission to reduce that number to zero.
The Ario system helps truckers and bus drivers stay safe by measuring micro-adjustments that are necessary to keep the vehicle driving straight. Whenever the system notices a change in pattern or a lack of movement, it alerts the driver and suggests to take a rest. After years of working on the system in their spare time, founders Thomas Dietvorst and Jelle Van Winckel now take their product to the market. The system already is available at Van Hool and Volvo, which results in about a hundred active Ario systems in busses and lorries today.
With the web connectivity moving closer to ubiquity fast, the next big thing is connecting hardware to the web. The buzzword is 'internet of things', but what Ario delivers goes way further then merely putting an internet connection in a truck. Through the intelligent monitoring of driver behaviour, they deliver instant added value. At the same time Ario generates data that provides a foundation for future innovation in road safety. A true next generation company!
- Thomas Dietvorst
- Jelle Van Winckel
Headquarters: Hasselt, Belgium
In The Media
Startup in de kijker: Ario Services - LSU - Limburg Startup
Het jonge Limburgse bedrijf Ario Services heeft een technologie ontwikkeld die voorkomt dat bus- en vrachtwagenchauffeurs indommelen en een ongeval veroorzaken. Jelle Van Winckel en vennoot Thomas Dietvorst hopen het systeem op termijn ook voor bestel- en personenwagens aan te bieden.
Thomas Dietvorst and Jelle Van Winckel invested a lot of time and funds in the development of their system. Now that it’s finally out on the market and available for implementation in vehicles, Ario is ready to further develop the system and scale production.
The CoFoundry believes in Ario’s mission and sees the reliability of the system as proof that this is the most effective way to ensure safety in road vehicles. We funded Ario to help scale the go-to-market and find more effective ways to speed the production proces.
Probably more important then money is the network of technology companies we have been able to surround Ario with. This has resulted in close collaboration and knowledge sharing with Suivo, a product that was developed at Geosolutions, a company that is part of The Cronos Group.